Question: Hello authors of MakeCD. Where is your answer to my book of questions? I'm still having problems and expect you to solve these for me. I have tried to contact you several times by telephone, and why is telephone support only one hour daily?. Where is the service? So, what have I got to do to reduce the number of faulty CDs? And how do I burn a data CD?
Answer: The fee that you paid is to use the program, not to use the authors! We're more than to support our registered users, but not if they can't be bothered to read even the introduction (apart from our telephone number and e-mail address). We get pretty angry at people like you. We don't write the instructions so that we can read them out to you. Your grandmother can do that! The daily limit of one hour telephone support per day is essential, otherwise we get constantly interrupted when we should be updating MakeCD. There's nothing more frustrating than time on the telephone to someone who wont read instructions.
If you have questions that are not answered in the instructions, we are more than happy to help you. Please do your bit by reading the docs first. Unnecessary questions cost us a lot of time and harm the development of MakeCD.
By the way, the money we make from MakeCD is nowhere near enough to pay two full-time programmers. We are still students with other obligations too, which have suffered to make programname what it is today. However, our professional future is more important to us than the small income we make. If you don't understand that, fair enough, why not try a different software package?
Finally, I must point out that we try our best to help with questions that are not covered in the instructions. Our support is much better than that of a good many commercial firms.
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